I always have homework to do after talking with Kirk Hammett.

Sure, our conversations start out about music, but pretty soon they wind their way to eagerly chatting about horror movies.

And the Metallica guitarist, who grew up — like I did — faithfully watching Bob Wilkins’ legendary “Creature Features” TV show, never fails to provide me with plenty of recommendations for fright flicks that I need to catch up on.

Being that Halloween is quickly approaching, I decided to share Hammett’s recent recommendations with readers.

His picks cover a lot of ground, both thematically and internationally, and include a Japanese supernatural dynamic-duo thriller, a Canadian werewolf flick and an American film that is a cross between “Full Metal Jacket” and “Re-Animator.”

Yeah, that is a list you’re definitely going to want to read.

Just don’t expect to see many offerings from two of horror’s currently most popular subgenres.

“I’m not too big on zombie films these days, because it’s old and tired,” Hammett says. “And I’m not big on the creepy kid type movies that have become such a big part of the genre without anyone noticing. So, I just have to call it out – the creepy kid genre is tired as well.

“But then you have the new folk-horror genre, which is more about different countries and different old ways and all these colloquial sort of beliefs. I think that is such a rich area for mining horror material.”

I’ve long thought that Hammett, whose vast collection of monster-movie memorabilia is featured in the 2012 picture book “Too Much Horror Business,” would be a good candidate to pull a Rob Zombie and direct his own scary movie.

And the guitarist agrees with me.

“I think I have the potential to make a really, really great horror movie,” he says. “And not only make one, but also create the music for it — because I have such a rich history and knowledge of that. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the outcome is going to be good. But, still, I feel like I could do it.

“The only thing is I have been involved with two movies before — two Metallica movies — and I’ve learned one thing: It’s always better to make a movie using someone else’s money.”

Well, then, I’d better start saving my money. Because I want to make a monster movie with Kirk Hammett.

In the meantime, however, I’ll just keep doing more research.

And I’ll start with these horror movie recommendations from Hammett. The commentary listed after each title comes from the guitarist himself.

“The Witch” (2015)

“The Witch,” probably, is like the best movie for me over the last few years. I keep on going on about it because I just think everyone should see it.

It’s like an old school horror film — very effective. It feels like a silent film, even though there is sound. All the dialogue is from the actual Salem Witch Trials. It’s shot amazingly. It’s super creepy. I love the soundtrack. It’s just one of those films. I especially like the ending of it, because they reproduce a famous Goya painting at the end.

That director, Robert Eggers, he did the “The Lighthouse,” which I highly recommend too. It looks like it was filmed in 1926, but it was filmed like 100 years later.

He’s also working on “Nosferatu.” Robert Eggers definitely gets my seal of approval as one of the only directors I think is even remotely capable of redoing that horror classic.

 “Overlord” (2018)

The reason why I loved that so much was because it was like a cross between – I don’t know – like “Full Metal Jacket” and “Re-Animator.” And both sides of it were just so great. The World War II footage was so great. And then when everything went crazy, it was so great too. Very well done.

“Sadako vs. Kayako” (2016)

What it is is Sadako from “The Ring” and Kayako from “Ju-On.” It’s like “King Kong vs. Godzilla” or “Dracula vs. Frankenstein” or “Freddy vs. Jason.” I love the concept. It’s such an old traditional horror concept — putting two horror characters together for a showdown. But the two people are so unlikely. The person from “The Ring” and the person from “The Grudge”? I mean, come on. That’s brilliant.

“The Evil Within” (2017)

It was a movie that was made by Andrew Getty, who was part of the Getty family and has since passed away. But it’s a crazy film. It’s so out there, so weird. And not a whole lot of people know about it, but it has the guy from “The Hills Have Eyes” — Michael Berryman — and he’s painted blue in that movie.

“Frankenstein’s Army” (2013)

It’s killer. The premise is Frankenstein survives his castle being blown up in Germany and then World Ward II starts. And guess what? The Nazis have him start to build Frankenstein-type creatures, but they are morphed with all these other strange experiments. It’s just really good.

“Border” (2018)

It’s so crazy. I didn’t know what type of movie it was. It’s a hard movie to figure out what it is exactly. It’s the Swedish film, not the film with Jack Nicholson from like 25 years ago. I think it’s sci-fi. I’m not sure. But it has so many twists and turns.

“A Dark Song” (2016)

I loved the movie because it went into the rituals of black magic in a very, very accurate sort of way, which made you feel what you were seeing was the real deal.

“The Ritual” (2017)

It was epic. It was everything that I wanted to see in a horror movie — plus. The creature in that film was so cool and just so out there and weird. I was just beside myself. Check that out — “The Ritual” — if you haven’t seen it.

“WolfCop” (2014)

I love “WolfCop.”