Netflix has built such a large collection of films, that picking one out can be a bit daunting. Sure, they have their algorithm that makes recommendations, but maybe you want to break out of the mold and find something totally new to watch.
We’ve got you covered.
Below is a collection of 59 of our favorite movies streaming on the platform in November 2020. At the top of the list, we’ll have movies that are new to Netflix, then go straight from there. (Please note that some of the new movies won’t be available on the first of the month.)
Check out some of our other lists:
Ranking the best new movies on Netflix in November The 52 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members 26 great video games to play while stuck at home
OK, on to the best movies on Netflix in November.

1. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE (New November 1): Stanley Kubrick's dystopian nightmare won't be for everyone (including kids!), but this film shows an auteur completely in control. A difficult masterpiece.

2. EASY A (New on November 1): Emma Stone is utterly winning in this super smart, teen adaptation of THE SCARLET LETTER.

3. FRUITVALE STATION (New on November 12): Michael B. Jordan was launched to superstardom with this film depicting the killing of a black man by transit police in Oakland.

4. OCEAN'S 11 (New on November 1): Just about the most charming heist film of the last few decades, with a cast that's just about unbeatable.

5. PLATOON (New on November 1): Charlie Sheen and Willem Dafoe are spectacular in Oliver Stone's over-the-top war film.

6. WHOSE STREETS? (New on November 16): This unflinching documentary captures protests that erupted in the aftermath of the police killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

7. AIRPLANE!: A spoof so good, and so timeless, that it's still regularly quoted to this day. I think this film is quoted by people who don't even realize they're quoting it. That's how much it has wormed its way into our society.

8-10. BACK TO THE FUTURE TRILOGY: The classic 80s sci-fi trilogy may be very light on the science, but it's profoundly fun.

11. MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING: Julia Roberts is so charming she can carry a rom com by herself, but she gets a lot of help in this one from Dermot Mulroney and Cameron Diaz.

12. BLUE RUIN: I will stand on rooftops and scream for people to sit down and watch this movie. Easily my favorite revenge thriller in years, it's a spare and tense masterpiece.

13. DALLAS BUYER'S CLUB: Matthew McConaughy and Jared Leto earned a ton of awards for their performances in this film about the AIDS epidemic.

14: WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY: This parody of the music biopic is so good and so finely tuned that it's just about destroyed the genre for me. I can't watch music biopics anymore. They've all been roasted out of relevance by this movie.

15. DJANGO UNCHAINED: Quentin Tarantino's slave revenge thriller is campy and over-the-top, but it's hard not to fall in love with the premise, and the performances.

16. ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND: Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet give some of their finest performances in this bizarre, brilliant romantic comedy.

17. EXTRACTION: Want to see Chris Hemsworth shoot about one hajillion bad guys? Then let me tell you, friend, this is the movie for you.

18. FARGO: My favorite Coen Bros. film, FARGO is an offbeat and haunting crime thriller that asks what happens when the most decent of us are dragged down into the world of the most evil.

19. THE FOUNDER: A movie about the founder of McDonald's doesn't sound too interesting, but I promise you, it's worth it. Michael Keaton has a blast as a salesman with a big idea. Or at least the good sense to steal a good idea.

20. FRIDA: Salma Hayek worked for years to get this biopic about the great artist made, and she delivers an incredible performance in it.

21. FROST/NIXON: A movie about the tense interview between talk show host David Frost and former president Richard Nixon, which no one thought had a chance to be substantial, and turned out to be just that.

22. THE IRISHMAN: Martin Scorcese finds more success mining the world of organized crime, with a dazzling cast (Robert De Niro, Al Pacino) to make the material sing.

23. THE HELP: This movie has more than its fair share of mixed reviews, but Octavia Spencer does great work in it, and helps elevate a perhaps flawed premise.

24. HER: This Spike Jonze film about modern love is spare in its own way, but Joaquin Phoenix gives such a strong performance depicting loneliness, it ends up working.

25. THE HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE: Taika Waititi got an Oscar for JOJO RABBIT, and made a ton of Marvel fans happy with THOR: RAGNAROK, but I will always love this film of his the best, set in the New Zealand wilderness.

26. ICARUS: A stunning documentary that starts as a look into how steroids affect the human body, and ends as a tense international geopolitical thriller. It has to be seen to be believed.

27-29. INDIANA JONES TRILOGY: Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford took a silly little adventure story and made it into one of the great pieces of cinema ever. The second one may be a bit grating, but this is a truly wonderful trilogy.

30. LA 92: An unflinching documentary that looks at the Los Angeles riots in 1992.

31. LADY BIRD: This Greta Gerwig film is autobiographical, looking at a girl's trials navigating high school in Sacramento in the early aughts. Blisteringly funny and honest.

32. THE LOBSTER: Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz take this utterly strange take on the romantic comedy and ground it with honest, emotional performances.

33. MARRIAGE STORY: A film about the breakdown of a marriage isn't meant to be a "fun watch," but Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver find moments of humanity and humor in the Noah Baumbach film.

34. MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL: Probably the funniest movie ever made. Call it a hot take, I don't care. It's the hardest I've laughed in a movie.

35. MOONLIGHT: Barry Jenkins' masterpiece won an Oscar and deservedly so.

36. NIGHTCRAWLER: Jake Gyllenhall gives a creepy performance for the ages in this movie about a sociopath who finds his true calling: As a paparazzi videographer and photographer.

37. OKJA: Bong Joon-ho could have hit you over the head with this film about mass meat production, but he tells this story in such a loving way, making sure to skewer both sides, that it makes an allegorical film all the more charming.

38. ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST: Jack Nicholson gives one of his truly great performances in this film, set inside a mental health institution.

39. OPERATION ODESSA: A documentary that is almost unbelievable, about a bunch of crooks and cons who somehow oversee the sale of a nuclear submarine.

40. THE QUEEN: Helen Mirren was born for this role, and finds depth and nuance playing a character whose very role in society makes it hard to imagine her as a real person.

41. ROMA: Alfonso Cauron's semi-autobiographical tale about growing up in Mexico has some of the most gorgeous images ever caught on film.

42. SENNA: A heartbreaking documentary about the F1 legend, this is a film that will resonate for racing fans, and for people who've never watched a minute of auto racing.

43. SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK: Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper headline an all star cast (Robert De Niro, Chris Tucker) about a guy going through a midlife crisis, and the Philadelphia Eagles.

44. SNOWPIERCER: Another Bong Joon-ho allegorical film, another winner. No man can set to make a point yet still manage to do so in a way that feels honest and earned, and never preachy.

45. THE SOCIAL NETWORK: David Fincher takes some over-the-top Aaron Sorkin dialogue and turns it into one of the great films of recent memory, about the seedy beginnings of Facebook, and how a simple website went and changed our entire world.

46. STRANGER THAN FICTION: Will Ferrell and Maggie Gyllenhall are wonderful, and show real chemistry, in a science-fiction take on the rom com, heavy emphasis on the "fiction."

47. THE DAWN WALL: One of the great mountaineering documentaries of the past few years. If you liked FREE SOLO, you'll truly enjoy THE DAWN WALL.

48. THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING: This 2014 film takes the life of Stephen Hawking, boils down the science to a graspable level, and finds a love story at its heart.

49. THE OUTPOST: A tense war thriller that finds an emotional center in the men put through hell.

50. THERE WILL BE BLOOD: Paul Thomas Anderson's masterpiece, this is a film that's lightly adopted from an Upton Sinclair book, but becomes so much more than that.

51. TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY: A gripping, polite spy thriller that worms its way under your skin. It needs to be watched with a bit of focus — a loose whisper can be what sets the plot off in a totally new direction.

52. THE TOWN: Ben Affleck showed he may be a better director than actor with this gripping Boston heist thriller.

53. THE TWO POPES: Two leaders of the Catholic church having a lengthy conversation about faith might not sound exactly rip roaring, but I was spellbound by this film.

54. UNCUT GEMS: One of the most impressive and difficult movies I've seen recently, with Adam Sandler in a career-defining performance.

55. WEST SIDE STORY: A charming musical that's a classic for a reason.

56. THE WITCHES: Quite simply one of the most messed up children's films ever created, and the only film that actually dared to capture the truly haunting vision of Roald Dahl.

57. ZODIAC: David Fincher's finest film, about the Zodiac killer who haunted California for years, and the two journalists who doggedly pursued him.

58. SPOTLIGHT: One of the great journalism films ever made, about the Boston Globe spotlight team and their uncovering of the pedophilia scandal that rocked the Catholic Church.

59. MONEYBALL: Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill take a movie about numbers in baseball and turn it into something heartfelt, on family, legacy, and the weight of expectations.
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